Trinity of Fantasy

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Everna and FireHeart Saga Novels by Andry Chang, research notes and records about worlds of Fantasy/Epic Fiction in general

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News and updates about Everna Saga - FireHeart Published Novels by Andry Chang in Indonesian Language
and reviews about Indonesian fantasy fiction writers, aspiring writers and creators in general

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EVERNA Tapal Batas - Extended Edition

Di Terra Everna sendiri
tak semua legenda adalah sejarah.

Tak terhitung berapa banyak kisah
yang tersembunyi dan tak tercatat
hingga diragukan kebenarannya

Mungkin karena kisah-kisah itu
menyinggung tapal batas antara
kepatutan, legenda dan realita

 Karena ambang batas antara legenda dan realita
hanya setipis kertas di Terra Everna

Juga melampaui tapal batas Dunia Everna
dan menerawang ke semesta raya

The book that glides along the boundaries of worlds and reality got extended to the extreme!
Get it now for FREE!

EVERNA Tapal Batas - Andry Chang dkk. Extended Edition

Plus a bonus e-book for you!

EVERNA Codex Evernium - 1st Edition

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Oya, kalau mau ebook lagi silakan like webcomic2 Everna Saga di Ciayo dan LINE Webtoon. 1 judul 1 ebook. Email screenshot likenya ke ya. Terima kasih. - @andrychang


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