Hiro-hiro, a 3-D animation serial project by Studio Kasatmata, Indonesia.
Not only it's simple and fun, the characters can also be customized, based on your liking.
"Aditya dan Putri Matahari"
"Aditya and the Sun Princess"
Uploaded by studiokasatmata on Jan 10, 2012
"Aditya and the Sun Princess"
Uploaded by studiokasatmata on Jan 10, 2012
First Trailer for upcoming animation series from studiokasatmata, Jogja.
Visit the fanpage at www.facebook.com/hiroNfriends
music taken from iMovie music library
Visit the fanpage at www.facebook.com/hiroNfriends
music taken from iMovie music library
Video Source: http://youtu.be/18Gsu3XZD_E
Some custom Hiro-hiro avatars made by BJ Vadis (Andry Chang):