Trinity of Fantasy

EVERNA Exploring Worlds of Fantasy (English)
Everna and FireHeart Saga Novels by Andry Chang, research notes and records about worlds of Fantasy/Epic Fiction in general

Fantasy Worlds Indonesia (Indonesian)
News and updates about Everna Saga - FireHeart Published Novels by Andry Chang in Indonesian Language
and reviews about Indonesian fantasy fiction writers, aspiring writers and creators in general

EVERNA Codex Evernium (English-Indonesian)
EVERNA SAGA Wiki, Lore and Encyclopedia
Come forth, Paladins! Fulfill Your Destiny!

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FireHeart - Legend of the Paladins EX - The RPG PC Game

Final Battle Cutscene
Video Source:

Hark, Y'all! Vadis Entertainment presents:
The ultimate release of FireHeart - Legend of the Paladins Novel-to-Game!
The EXtended Version 6!

With more dynamic interface (similar to Version 5), fixed bugs and new side-quests and (minor) modified storyline. There will be no more update on this title (Book One) and Vadis Entertainment will focus on developing new games.

Platform: PC Game
Genre: Role Playing Game, Fantasy
Size: 77.7 MB With 22+ hours of gameplay.

Sample Battle - Pyro's Pyres
Video Source:

Download here:

FireHeart Paladins EX - Full Version PC RPG Game

The ultimate version - new bosses, new quests and more EXcitement!

Happy playing! Come forth, Paladins! Fulfill your destiny!


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