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New from Christopher Paolini

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Kvetha Fricäya! Greetings Friends,
and a very belated Happy New Year!
paolini author photo

I know that it's been months since my last newsletter, but I wanted to tell you that I've been hard at work and think about you, my readers, daily.

The holidays were unusually busy. Most years, my family and I spend the time quietly at home, but this year several friends came to visit. We shared long conversations, great food, and a special outing to the Museum of the Rockies—better known as dinosaur central.

Since the New Year, I've been working with renewed determination to finish the manuscript of Book Four. The story is unfolding much as I've always imagined, but, as usual, I find myself adding scenes I hadn't anticipated when I plotted out the book. Although it's taking me longer than I'd hoped to get my vision on the page, I think it's worth it. This is going to be the most exciting and action-packed book of the entire series.

Last month I watched the Doctor Who specials from last year. Wow! For those of you who follow the travels of the Doctor, you may have caught a reference to him in Brisingr. This year brings a new actor to the role of Doctor, and I look forward to seeing how he portrays him. He has a big scarf to fill.

I recently spoke with John Jude Palencar, the cover artist for the Inheritance series. He told me that he's been painting the green dragon for the cover of the fourth book. I can't wait to see it! John is immensely talented, and I always enjoy seeing how he interprets the creatures from my world.

This is going to be a newsworthy year for the Inheritance cycle, with lots of big announcements coming up. And I'm excited to tell you that the Brisingr paperback is now in stores. As always, and will post the latest developments.

Now, back to the book for me. At the moment, I'm in the middle of a really interesting section. It contains a one-sided game of knucklebones, an evil assassin, bags of flour, a water-born battering ram, streets lined with lead, a knife in the back, and the death of a character.

Yes, I'm killing someone off. Horrible, isn't it?

May your swords stay sharp!

Christopher Paolini

Read's response to the first chapter from Book 4, here.

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