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Gremion - Realm of the Orcs

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Name : Gremion – Orcish Realm
Location : East to Bresconnor, border to Regia
Major Cities : Logburn (Citadel)
Resources : Cattle, meadows, forests (declining forests)
Specialities : Coal, Gems for warrior armors
Economy : Hunting, bandits, foraging, blacksmith, arsenal
Ruler : Ep1 Ghra’bash – Orc Khan (starting, with many replacements)
Ep2 J’kang – Orc Khan (starting, with many replacements)
Ep3 (scattered tribes) Bragl Dar’gum – Orc Chieftain (of his tribe)
Model Base : Belgium in our world
Major Creatures : Orc, Dire wolves (Warg), Werewolves,
Legendary : Behemoth and the legendary orc hero J’nadh.
Description :
At the end of the human-orc 30 years war, year 1021, which ended in a stalemate, the peace treaty stated that the orcs were allowed to stay at their base in Logburn and a territory of Gremion province (part of Bry’connor territory). If they attack any place beyond their borders, Bry’connor may claim Gremion by force. But several orc tribes choose not to obey the treaty and live scattered in other countries all over Aurelia, and are most secure in Sylvania.

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