
Showing posts from October, 2009

Trinity of Fantasy

EVERNA Exploring Worlds of Fantasy (English)
Everna and FireHeart Saga Novels by Andry Chang, research notes and records about worlds of Fantasy/Epic Fiction in general

Fantasy Worlds Indonesia (Indonesian)
News and updates about Everna Saga - FireHeart Published Novels by Andry Chang in Indonesian Language
and reviews about Indonesian fantasy fiction writers, aspiring writers and creators in general

EVERNA Codex Evernium (English-Indonesian)
EVERNA SAGA Wiki, Lore and Encyclopedia
Come forth, Paladins! Fulfill Your Destiny!

Explore Everna With Google

Google The Royal Wedding

FireHeart RPG Maker VX Facesets

FireHeart RPG Maker VX Facesets

FireHeart RPG Maker VX Facesets

Foto-foto contoh interior-furniture dan benda2

Foto-foto contoh interior-furniture dan benda2

Foto-foto contoh interior-furniture dan benda2

More About ATB Battle System

Online Chat with Christopher Paolini and Terry Brooks!

Christopher Paolini and Terry Brooks together on Suvudu!